la météo

My Meteo

Nursing and Allied Travel Jobs - The True Story

I was a medical traveler for many years and have had many opportunities to examine a large number of business travel sites. Most of them contain a kind of Q & A section that explains how they work and what they offer. I found that the information provided is accurate, it is not very complete.

Most of what I learned about medical travel industry has been learned through the school of hard knocks proverbial. He recently had the idea to write an article that has expanded in the usual information on medical travel sites, an article presenting (as Paul Harvey used to say) the "rest of the story."

And then ... go!


Business trips: In his travel sites companies often set a salary range offered depending on the position, your area of expertise and experience.

Rest of the story: It has offered a travel allowance is usually not the top dollar that is available for this mission. Most travelers simply accept what is offered believe that "the agreement is the agreement" for that particular job. I used to do it too ... but not anymore!

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