la météo

My Meteo

28 Ways to Totally Blow Your Travel Budget in South America

1. do enough research on flights.
Your flight will be the most expensive part of your trip. You can save hundreds of dollars by taking flights that require multiple stops instead of constantly and in some cases by adopting the airlines in the neighboring country of destination, airlines or smaller, then bus or national trains to their final destination.

2. Wear too little or too much luggage.
No climate survey may mean that you might end up buying things you already have at home and could carry with you, such as jackets, hats and gloves. On the other hand, if things probably do not need (or not be able to use) too many clothes, too many appliances (hair dryer, curling irons, shavers, cell phones do not work here) can add to your budget either airline counter (excess baggage) or when you have to pay someone to buy your luggage while you are here (taxi drivers, children and knobs in hotels and airports), or pay to keep your luggage while you are on the shorter leg of the trip.

3. The use of credit cards and travelers checks and do not bring enough money.
The surest way to lose money is to use credit cards. First, you have to pay an additional percentage for use in most South American countries (usually around 3%). Second, many places will not accept them. Traveler's checks are also exchanged (paid) in some places. Lack of money is another issue. If you have to have someone with wiring your money will blow a big wad of cash!

4. Ignore the great small hotels and hostels because they sound "unknown" or are not in the guidebooks.
There are many small hotels and inns that are clean, comfortable and offer good service throughout Latin America. You should not be in a big expensive hotel. I'm not suggesting that you put up with cockroaches, but if you intend to spend much time in bed or watch TV, how many times you actually stay in your room anyway? One of the best ways to find a cheap but good hotel is to obtain a series of personal recommendations, we encourage you to visit the forums on Travel and comments hotel (and pay later - leave your review for someone another to take advantage of if and traveled).

5. how to pay too much for food.
While you should always take precautions to ensure you do not get sick, skip the restaurants that do not look clean, but not always dine in expensive restaurants. Choose restaurants that look great, but are not in the guidebooks. Most restaurants that are frequented by tourists adjust their menu prices for tourists and locals who choose to dine there not knowing this. In addition, many travelers do not try local food !! Did you know that in many parts of South America international or foreign fast food restaurants are a luxury and among the most expensive options for local standards?

6. case.
In supermarkets and shops with items priced tickets can not negotiate the price. But in the most open markets that it is wrong not to. Vendors automatically increase the price when they see that you are a stranger and expect your first reaction is a request for a price differential.

7. Ignore the opening of markets.
The opening of Latin American markets that sell everything. Skip meats and cheeses (they will never be refrigerated) and non-bottled water and fruit juice, but the purchase of fruits, vegetables, bread, butter, biscuits and snacks, refreshments and more. Almost everything you find in a supermarket can be found here. You can also get sunglasses, hats and clothing, mosquito repellent, batteries, toiletries and other things that are sold in supermarkets close up twice.

9. Go trap tourists shopping.
Markets in Latin America not only sell food. Place the trap souvenir shops in tourist expensive (over costs about 2-3 times more than they should). Even areas memories that resemble open markets can be much more expensive than it should be because they cater to foreigners. If you see only memories and nothing else, it is a tourist paradise. Go to open markets, buying individual providers who offer their products on the street, and you can get the same memories at much lower prices. And do not forget to bargain (will be surprised if it does). You will truly help the needy in our local economy if the sector.

10. Ignore the free sites and attractions not cool in the guide books.
Stay on the trail of 100% of the time and you lose a lot of money (and lost some really nice places to visit). Did you know that many major museums and galleries in South America do not charge fees? Have you checked the hundreds of large parks and places for people to look great local opportunities and photo? He asked residents which is great to see?

11. Payment taxis too, do not take public transport, not going anywhere.
Many hotels have residents taxi services. Do not use them. They charge what it costs 2-3 times normal taxi. A short walk around the corner and take a taxi in the street.

12. Take the bad electronics, and accessories.
The energy sources vary widely in South America and one country to another (even within a country). Some use 220V and 110V some. You must bring adapters or make sure to wear the proper equipment for the area you are traveling or living room.

13. study the appropriate documentation.
All countries need some foreigners to enter (passports, vaccines against yellow fever, letters of invitation, hotel reservations, etc.). Having all the right documents before arriving will be a boon for your wallet. Get arrival may cost you more, wasting time, and the ability to end up being sent home if you do not have the documentation you need.

14. Do not leave copies of your documents and credit cards at home.
Losing or getting your stolen documents can be a really horrible experience. Do not get copies only made things worse. Leave copies of your passport, medical records, airline tickets, credit cards and other important documents in your wallet at home (and bring an extra copy with you) to. If you need to deal with new in their consulate, this will make it much easier and faster and generally less expensive.

15. Do not spend enough on their tour. Huh?
Well, believe it or not, if not properly research your tour operator, cheap travel with their dirty tour operator who does not live up to your expectations and will not deliver as promised can end up costing more l dissatisfaction of a tour that was a little more expensive at first, but I kept his promises. You will end up feeling cheated and as you have wasted your money.

16. Do not invest in travel insurance.
Nobody wants to get sick during the trip, luggage or documents have lost an emergency or accident, or stealing something from them during the trip. But sometimes. These things are never predictable everywhere?

17. Calls way too expensive overseas,.
There are many free or inexpensive ways to communicate with people "at home" while you are on your trip. Latin America has an incredible number of cheap cafes in many areas of super costs less than a dollar an hour. Implement programs like Skype on your home computer and use them while you are here. Also, if you research the best phone cards and / or rental of mobile phone or purchase, and you can cut your budget down. You can also use Skype without a computer.

18. Bring your own cell phone.
Check before traveling if your phone will work in South America. Most of South America uses a completely different system grid and type and many many many cell phones calling many many many countries do not work here at all. So invest in a cell phone rental or purchase an international phone travel can actually save you money.

19. Not enough venture out on their own.
Some circuits are dangerous or simply too far away to make your own, but do not need a guide wherever you go. With a bit of confidence, there are many places that you can visit without guides, translators and tour operators. The same goes for those of you who are relocating to South America

20. No survey of laws on traveling with children and pets.
If you are traveling with children must have special permits and documentation, especially if only one parent is traveling with a child. Many a foreigner was sent home for not having a permit from the other parent. Not having the proper documentation for your pet can lead to high costs quarantine.

21. investigate our vacation.
One of the best ways to lose money while traveling is reached for the national or regional parties to find everything closed. While you can enjoy the holidays, you might not find a place to stay, banks or exchange offices may be closed, and you might well end the travel expenses to another place or the payment of the only hotels (highest first are the last to have vacancies).

22. Do review your Spanish.
Invest in a pair of Spanish classes, a good phrasebook Spanish travel phrases in Spanish or get FREE to your iPod or other accessory you can save money in the longrun. How? Optionally, you can avoid paying a translator (in many countries in South America guides do not speak English and other languages). In addition, you can avoid feeling trapped in the markets and shops or elsewhere to pay anything if sellers are know enough Spanish to get by. If you think you've been here for some time are more likely to expect to haggle.

23. Ignoring (or intentionally) break the law.
One way to have significant financial trouble committing a crime. Take a tour of the prison to buy cocaine is a big no-no. The purchase of illegal drugs or buying drugs or alcohol to you or anyone else anywhere is a crime. Getting into arguments or fights, attend meetings or political events, be rude to police officers, violation of private property, disorderly conduct, trying to cross the barricades, injuring another person while driving, or even if you defend a thief, anything can end up in jail. Even if you are found innocent and everything is finally clarified, it may take a lot of time and money to get out of their situation.

24. flash your money.
When traveling, keep your money in several different places at once (some in your purse, some in every pocket, etc.) in order not to bring any fluff when you have to pay for something. This will not only seem presumptuous because your provider to feel cheated if prices laid down, and to the Latin American poor horrible sense in general, is a sure way to ensure that people will immediately raise prices when the cost of something is requested. By exchanging your currency control small plane. This will get the change easier and save you money in the long run because it is not perceived as an "alien with large amounts of money that we should raise our prices."

25. staring.
This not only automatically send the message that you are a foreigner and you should pay more for things, it's also dangerous. No matter where you are and where you're going, even if you get lost, walk with a purpose, to stick to well-lit areas. Just ask the directions of police officers, shop owners, restaurants or other establishments. Looks like you're lost and you can become a target for thieves and others who may aim to divert and you might end up having to replace your belongings. Look like you know where you are going and probably discourage their activities. But you follow this advice anywhere in the world, right?

26. Carry huge cost for cameras.
Nothing screams "Tourism Coming !!!" most of the camera - and actually this is true for almost any device. South American suppliers are tourist observers teacher. They can see you coming from miles away and quickly spreads the message that you are in the neighborhood. Sellers actively rearrange their products (with the most expensive on top or even hide the cheap), and before you arrived, you've already talked to each other and are installed on the higher prices will go to both the offer. All types of cameras in a camera bag, grab your camera when you need to take your picture, put it in the bag when finished and will save a lot of money.

27. no money for emergencies are not reserved.
It's horrible to fall ill, have an accident, losing their property, or loss against theft when traveling. Blowing all your money early in your trip is not only unwise, it's dangerous. You might end up having to visit a clinic and no money. Also, have someone you wire the money to add to the coast. So do a lot of races at the beginning of your trip just means you have to cart with you (or pay for storage), while traveling.

28. The best way to pay much more than it should for just about anything: look, dress and act like a tourist.

a) Using tourist geek clothing (shirts or caps point not really look cool on anyone and anyone carrying tourists embroidered, huge mountain boots, even when walking around the city, alpaca sweaters only tourists can pay jeans are so dirty that they could fend for themselves, you get the picture).

b) Wear clothing that is not appropriate for an event or occasion. Nobody expects wear when traveling. But in restaurants, bars and clubs you can even find some do not allow to enter if you are wearing inappropriate clothing (eg, some will leave you with broken shorts or out of court, others do not allow sneakers ).

c) Speaking a foreign language all the time, do not try to use Spanish and speak loudly. Many South Americans are quite soft-spoken and quietly talking to each other in public places, buses, restaurants, etc.
You're never a stranger appears. Everyone always knows immigrant tourist or local. But if you want to save money, lower the tone.

Charis Barks grew up in Latin America since the age of four years and as an American expatriate, third culture kid and daughter of missionaries, he moved to and from several countries in South America. Growing up in the southern hemisphere has given him a unique perspective that starts now and [], a website that is based on the movement in abroad and living in abroad. Feel free to post your questions if you are considering moving to South America and if you have not already, join and post their own articles about life abroad in the forums. Expatriates and travelers from all over the continent contribute to this site by adding pages with your own tips and stories, tips and personal recommendations. The best source of information and insider tips your expatriate community in South America!

Air Travel and Luxury Vacations - How Airlines Work

In this new age of information, the concept that people can book your luxury holiday has permeated the minds of many travelers. These new trends began when airlines airline tickets available for purchase via the Internet. It revolutionized the travel industry. But buyer beware, the truth is hidden! When you think you have found the best available air, you can not get the whole story. Take a look behind the scenes of the way the ticket.

The purpose of the airline

When the time comes for you to buy your ticket if the ticket for the start of a world luxury cruise or a quick trip to visit relatives state, keep in mind that the Airline goal is that people pay a hurry. When price changes on a daily basis, airlines are trying to pressure the travelers to buy the ticket at that time. They want you to give as much as possible, as soon as possible. To apply this attitude, airlines also charge huge premiums for last minute tickets. Why? Because they can, and because the traveler will be desperate to pay for it.

The air intakes and travel agents

Now more than ever, airlines tickets are available online. Please note; although companies promise the best price of admission, they speak to that particular flight. This does not mean that all flights are available for purchase. If you are dedicated to finding the best deal on your own, you should call the airlines directly. But the best option for all luxury vacation travel and airline tickets is to call your local travel agency. You may be charged a small service charge for tickets, but can end up paying less than you would online. They will save you time and trouble to call the airline you. But there are some key terms that need to be taken into account. You can "reserve" a seat with an airline, which means it is put on hold and you have to pay for it a week before departure. The only way is to book directly with airlines and travel agencies some big names like American Express Travel.

Airlines spend millions of marketing dollars to convince you to go to their website to book airline tickets. For some travelers interested in buying cheap airline tickets to add to your living luxury travel, the Internet can be a good place to start. But airlines maintain pressure on price trends and maintain the threat of sale to try to make travelers pay as much money as quickly as possible. Use all available and directly call a travel agent or airline resources. Do not let anyone intimidate you to pay more!

Annual Family Travel Insurance - Purchasing The Right Policy

Travel insurance is a good idea, especially on long international voyages. So many things can go wrong on a trip. When they go wrong, you are alone and isolated in places not well understood. If you and your family travel a lot, purchase an annual family travel insurance policy can help you and your family to protect the unknowns that can occur when traveling, allowing you to relax and enjoy of their time traveling together.

It may seem like a waste of pay premiums to an annual family travel insurance policy when most of the time not to travel but pay for a plan on an annual basis in reality can be much cheaper than buy some insurance travel plans annually. In addition, the payment of a family of the travel insurance policy will save money on the purchase of individual travel insurance policies.

You have two types of family insurance to consider when shopping for insurance. Travel insurance can be purchased for a single trip or for a period of time. If you do not travel very often at all, it is the best deal for you. It is relatively inexpensive and is good for the period of time you are traveling. But if you have a large family or travel frequently are much better off going with an annual family travel insurance plan. These are not expensive at all and coverage, you can save a lot of money when the unexpected happens.

You only have to pay premiums for your family cheap travel insurance once a year. In fact, just buy the policy annually. So, whenever you or a family member moves, no matter where they go, which will be covered if something goes wrong on the trip. If you are traveling separately this may be even more important, will be there to look out for everyone while traveling. As you long as you keep your annual insurance company insurance family travel to be there to help take care of his family while his family moves.

This will keep your family safe. If you have a large family, this can be an incredibly affordable option, as most plans give you more discount if you buy for more people. When something goes wrong, you will be glad that your family is protected by trip annual insurance family.

Tips on What You May Need When Travelling - Travel Bags and Accessories

Many people like to travel and still do so at any time. Some people travel often because it's part of their job requirements. There are those who rarely travel, but with pleasure to do from time to time, especially during the holidays. When you leave your home for a night or more, it is always important to take with everything you need to feel as comfortable as possible for the period away from home. Also take with you everything you need to fulfill the purpose of your trip, such as services that you need if you are on travel / official business. If you miss something that is taken for the trip, you can not only frustrate you but also sour your mind, you may even incur additional expenses that may be forced to buy something that would not buy. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead and decide what you need for your trip and what kind of suitcase or luggage bag will be most suitable for your trip. What you might need for your trip, and the type of bag you need depends on the length of time you will be away from home and also the way of your trip. What you might need for a business trip will be different from your needs when you go on vacation. When you have made a good mental reminder of what you need for your travel and mode of travel (air travel or driving to your destination), then you need to decide on the type of bag to pack your things. You must choose the type of suitcase or travel bag / luggage that will give the most flexibility and allows you to travel light.

Traveling with luggage bag / clothing Official Travel / company

Most people prefer to fly if they are traveling for business or commercial purposes, such as participation in business meetings or going to lecture. Here you can spend one or two nights away from home, then your best option bag can be wheeled luggage bag or a messenger bag. Messenger bags and rolling bags are available in sizes ranging from 13 "to 21". Each of these travel bags lets you travel light because it can adapt to your computer in your bag. The unique design of each bag allows you to comfortably store your laptop / iPad, in addition to clothing and personal accessories in the same bag. Each bag has a luggage section for the special night that provides enough space for clothes that need during your trip. Each bag is perfect for travel / brief official business. Each type of case luggage any notebook case has required including a closure zipper workstation with storage for your mobile accessories, pens, key chains and cardholder. Silent rolling luggage bags have wheels and a telescoping handle is to roll a perfect businessman on the road companion.

Some people may prefer to travel with a bag of clothes, transportation computer bag / laptop bag or polyvalent (for women). The garment bag is perfect to protect clothing during travel. The clothes are clean and free of wrinkles. The garment bag has multiple pockets and can hold up to four garments. It has four internal pockets offer enough space for shoes and accessories such as bags Cosmetics / Makeup, toilet bags and cases hot curling iron. It also has an outside pocket where you can put the book you want to read on the plane or whatever you want to be helpful while you are on the plane. This garment bag is very stylish, lightweight and durable. Zippered central features full length gives you easy access to the interior. Also full outer zipper ensures that the entire interior of the bag is secured. When you have all you want inside the packed bag, the bag can be folded clothes in two. The bag has two double sheet handles which makes it easy to carry. It also features a pendant metal hook to hang on a wall. Then you can use your bag or multi-computer / laptop pocket to lead his team / iPad.

Some travelers prefer to travel with a travel bag. The bag has zip with three main zippered side pockets and two side pockets with velcro. It has adjustable shoulder strap and carrying handle. It also has a black linen lining which makes it ideal to clean and keep clean.

Snoozer Travel Accessories - Travel Neck Pillow / Blanket in Velura

Besides travel bags / luggage you have to pack everything you need for your trip, may consider other travel accessories like a luxury covered rest Velura neck not only gets one, easy care soft Velura 40 "x 60 'indoor coverage, but it also has an inflatable pillow that allows you to enjoy a warm and comfortable journey. PVC inflatable pillow is easy to inflate and deflate and coverage is so soft that it folds easily back into the pillowcase. This snoozer-travel Neck Pillow / Blanket Article Velura is a travel compact, easy to carry that can be used to provide comfort for you on any trip. This travel accessory is ideal for business or leisure.

What you may need when you go on vacation with the family

Many families choose to travel by road during a family vacation; Traveling together in a car is part of the experience close to the family that appreciates each family and long-term for each year. Preparation for the long journey of the family of the experience can be a new challenge for parents, especially when the journey involves very young children. The idea of how to keep them engaged and entertained throughout the long journey can also be intimidating.

It's not rocket science to say that you need to pack suitcases and family clothing needs during the holidays, the challenge is what kind of bag do you need. Need a bag for everyone in the family or if you need clothes around the world in a common bag? Depending on the number in the family and the age of your children, you can have a common bag for clothing and one for accessories. Alternatively, each child can pack his / accessories in his / her backpack while having a common case for everyone. In another arrangement, you can let everyone in the family use a bag of clothes to pack two / her clothes and accessories. This is one of the parents "bittersweet" to make choices.

Use a thermal conditioning cooler bag quite cold drinks for everyone on the trip

Depending on the duration of the trip, you can travel with enough cold beverages packaged in a cold thermal bag. The thermal liner bag maintained beverages absorption cold heat as such, cold beverages remain for a very long time. The idea is that you buy more cold drinks whenever a family member wants something cold to drink. Have enough refreshments on hand when you need it gives you enough driving time and also allows you to stop only when necessary to break the journey for nothing other than simply buy some cold drinks.

Get your kids comfortable with children Travel Accessories

In addition to having sufficient practical drinks anyone in need during the trip, but can also be a challenge to keep children comfortable during a long journey. You can keep your child comfortable during the whole trip travel accessories allow the use of children as traveling companions. Fellow Children are ultra soft neck pillows that allow children to snuggle with your partner while "visiting the land of dreams!" Those friends that are available in different animal characters are perfect for strollers, car and anywhere else let children sleep.

Scosche Backstage Pro II vehicle assembly for Tablet PC

In addition to providing cold drinks for their children when they need and make the (children) at home while they sleep during the trip, keep children engaged during the trip is another challenge. Some parents allow their children to read books while traveling, and play their video games when you are tired of reading. These are good ways to keep your children engaged. Another way is to watch videos / movies on the iPad while driving. In this case, the pro II is well suited scenes. Use the Backstage Pro II secure and robust mount your iPad 2 on the back of the headrest so that your children can enjoy a viewing of movies, applications, games handsfree while driving. This device is ideal for keeping your family easily entertained when you're on a long trip. Pro II scenes has a charger that plugs directly into the mounting headrest and provides continuous charging your iPad 2. It has an infrared wireless headphones for private listening and a USB port that supports the use flash player to view the images.

Official Tibet Travel Guide - Must-See for Beginners (Part 1)

Climate Tibet

1. How is the climate in Tibet? It is hot in the summer? It is very cold in winter?

Tibet is located on a high plateau, and belongs to typical fluffy particular climate. The climates are very different in different parts of Tibet. Eastern Tibet which is at a lower height is hotter than western Tibet. In some mountain areas, there are four stations simultaneously at different heights. Time in a day also varies greatly. The night is cold, when the day is hot. It is 12 to 15 degrees Celsius in a single day.

The climate in southern Tibet including Nyingchi and Chamdo is mild with an average temperature of eight degrees Celsius; while in western Tibet (Shigatse and Nagqu) is quite cold, with temperatures below zero.

However, in central Tibet, Lhasa Tsedang climate is more favorable for traveling. Travelers can visit both areas throughout the year, not too hot in summer and too cold in winter.

2. How is the state of the road in the rainy season in Tibet? I need to take any rainproof me?

The rainy season in Tibet is mainly from June to August and it has a very negative impact on the roads. However, many workers and keep track of the local army, which also give help to restore the roads. Overall, it takes only a few hours to do it again realistic way. As the rain test, we advise you to take coats, pants and waterproof shoes if you like walking, climbing or mountain biking. If you have group tours organized by some travel agencies, usually you do not take raincoat with you because Tibet often rains at night and the weather is good during the day. In addition, the tour bus is always with you.

3. What is the best time to travel to Tibet?

Overall, early April is the beginning of the travel season, which lasts until mid-June, when a large number of Chinese travelers to Tibet to rush to the summer holidays. In late June to late national holiday is the peak travel season, when some major festivals in Tibet, as Shoton Festival, Gyantse and Nagqu riding Dawa Festival. After mid-October, Tibet becomes winter and how heavily discounted visitors, more than half of the hotels are closed for the poor booking.

As for the best time to travel, it depends on your travel needs.

1. If you want a very cheap price, go to Tibet in winter, from December to March. All things are fairly cheap; tourist sites even offer a discount of 30-50% on the entry. The hotels are cheap, too. You can enjoy 5-star hotels with less than 100USD including breakfast. Compared with the trip in August, the cost of a winter tour is only 50% -60% of a summer tour. Due to the poor number of visitors, the Potala Palace, you can even spend a day in it. In addition, the monks are busy and do not have time to talk to you.

2. If you like hiking, do it in May or September, when the monsoon mind and the weather is mild and pleasant.

3. If you like Mt.Everest and see the bright face of it, try to avoid the rainy season and fog.

4. If you want to visit the grass of the land in the north of Tibet, to tour in July when the flowers bloom in vast grasslands and groups yak and sheep, tents of Tibetan nomads spread across the prairie .

5. Those who want to drive to Tibet by the Sichuan-Tibet Highway to avoid the rainy season. There will mudslides, landslides and mud on some sections of the road, blocking the passage of vehicles.

About altitude sickness

1. What is altitude sickness? What are the symptoms of altitude sickness?

Altitude sickness can occur at high altitudes (over 2700m), due to the reduced availability of oxygen. It usually occurs after a rapid rise and can usually avoid growing slowly. Symptoms often appear six to ten hours after the rise and usually disappear within a day or two, but sometimes they become more serious conditions. Common symptoms of altitude sickness include shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, disease of the stomach, dizziness and sleep disorders.

2. How to avoid or alleviate altitude sickness?

Maintaining a good mood, do not get too excited or too worried about altitude sickness. Before visiting Tibet, is as healthy as possible, both physically and psychologically.

Take care of yourself and avoid catching cold before going to Tibet, and not take a shower in the first two days after you are in Lhasa to avoid being cold, or suffer from low easily altitude sickness weak physical condition.

Do not drink alcohol in the first two days when you are in Tibet. Drink lots of water and eat foods rich in carbohydrates Energy more light.

No running, jumping or doing work from tax in the first two days. Be calm and have a good rest is important.

Once you have the symptoms of altitude sickness, taking medicine (it is said that it is useful to have a little butter tea if you can fit the taste of it) and do not go above. Drugs and oxygen also help prevent altitude sickness. The symptoms of mild altitude sickness can be treated with appropriate medicines. If drugs and oxygen do not relieve symptoms, go to hospital or immediately evacuate to a safe altitude!

Oxygen can help relieve the symptoms of altitude sickness, but we did not use very often in Lhasa, while the symptoms of altitude sickness are not serious. If you feel cold or uncomfortable, you should go to the nearest available hospital in the region.

In addition to normal driving drugs is advisable to bring high-altitude medicine. Get suggestions from your doctor.

Tell your guide quickly if you do not feel well and follow the advice in the guide.
3. What should I do if I have altitude sickness after coming to Tibet?

There are hospitals in many major cities in Tibet. It can be adapted to mild altitude slowly and can go to the hospital if it is severe. After you have had altitude sickness, should rest well and do not move too much, keep eating, drinking some water with black sugar or take medication. If altitude sickness is serious enough, you should go to the hospital or down to some lower places, or leave Lhasa immediately. Altitude sickness should disappear and return to a certain height and has no symptoms on.

4. is more severe altitude sickness if you fly to Tibet by train?

Exactly, but two ways have their advantages and disadvantages. You are more likely to have altitude sickness, because you do not have sufficient time to adapt to the environment is gradually stabilizing have if you're flying. The elevation change is directly from several hundred meters to over 3000 meters. So if you go to Tibet by train, you can adapt your body to stabilize slowly and gradually environment. Then you can relieve or avoid altitude sickness.

5. People with this type of disease can not go to Tibet? Do I have physical practice before going to Tibet?

People with the following conditions can not travel to Tibet:

People with all kinds of organic heart disease, severe arrhythmia or heart rate at rest for 100per minute, high blood pressure II or higher, all kinds of blood diseases and cerebrovascular disease.

People with chronic diseases of the respiratory system, the average degree of obstructive or previous lung diseases such as bronchial dilatation, emphysema and so on.

People with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, hysteria, epilepsy and schizophrenia.

People with colds, upper respiratory infections, and body temperature above or below 38F 38F while the whole body and the respiratory system have obvious symptoms, is not recommended to travel to Tibet up well.

People who have been diagnosed with polycythemia have high altitude pulmonary edema high altitude, high altitude cerebral edema, hypertension apparent increase in pressure altitude of blood pressure, heart disease and high altitude.

Pregnant women at high risk.
If you are unsure of your physical condition, you may have a physical exam. But are not expected to do more exercise before going to Tibet for the year will give more charges to your heart and you need more oxygen, which can easily cause altitude sickness.

6. Why do not people with cold, see the Tibet? What should I do if I catch a cold in Tibet?

Your immune system will be weak if you catch a cold and could easily suffer altitude sickness because of it. In addition, extreme cold can easily be converted to some more serious high altitude diseases, including pulmonary edema, which is very dangerous. So not supposed to travel to Tibet before they have a cold.

Well, if you catch a cold in Tibet, things may not be so serious, because your body has already, to some extent, to adapt to the plateau environment and can go to a doctor and take pharmaceuticals

Permits and certificates

1. Are there any limitations or restrictions on foreign travel to Tibet? What about overseas Chinese, compatriots from Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots? How to manage and how long will it take?

There are some special requirements for foreign travelers to Tibet. First, foreign tourists in Tibet should be organized by travel agencies, with confirmed course. Second, Tibet Travel Permit issued by Tibet Tourism Bureau is essential. The Tibet Travel Permit must be obtained before going to Tibet. Moreover, foreigners can not travel alone to Tibet on their own, even with the travel permit. They must be accompanied by a licensed guide. Tibet Entry Permit is also required for Chinese and Taiwan compatriots abroad, while Hong Kong and Macao compatriots can travel to Tibet a Chinese citizen with a valid return authorization Home. Foreigners, Chinese and Taiwanese compatriots abroad can apply for a travel permit to Tibet Tibet Tourism Bureau or certain travel agencies qualified valid passport (copies) visa (copies) and work certificate. Usually you can get 2-3 days a week and if you are in urgent need.

2. What is allowed entry to Tibet? How to obtain a permit to enter Tibet and what documents are needed to get it?

Tibet entry permit, also known as the Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB) permit or Visa Tibet, is the basic document for foreign travelers entering Tibet. No foreign visitor can visit Tibet without holding the Tibet Entry Permit in his hands. Foreign tourists are required to show both his Chinese visa and Tibet Entry Permit, boarding passes to fly on trains or modify Tibet Tibet.

Tibet entry permit is officially published by the Tibet Tourism Bureau, to limit the number of foreign visitors. With this authorization, foreign tourists can travel in the region, including the city of Lhasa, Yamdrok Lake, Ganden, Tsurphu, Namtso, Drigung Til and Reting.

Entry permit to Tibet is not available for independent travelers. Foreign travelers must travel in group tour and ask legitimate travel agency tour of Tibet apply to you.

Documents required:

You can get a visa to Tibet (TTB permit) by sending a travel agency describes the first page of your valid passport and Chinese visa copy of your fax or email, and clearly indicate their occupations (the foreign journalists and diplomats are not allowed to go to Tibet as a tourist). If you are Taiwan compatriots, send copies of their MTP-continental travel permit or travel document called Taiwan compatriot permit / entrance (commonly known as "Tai Bao Zheng"), and tell us your profession.

If you are from Hong Kong and Macao, China re-entry permit for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots is enough to travel to Tibet. You are not required to seek permission from Tibet.

Please note: If you plan to travel to places officially closed to foreigners in Tibet Travel Permit is required for a foreigner.

3. What is the travel permit for aliens?

Unless authorized in Tibet Travel Permit of a foreign entry is required if you plan to travel to places officially closed to foreigners in Tibet as Mount Everest, Rongbuk Monastery, Mount Kailash and Lake Manasorovar. Travel Permit abroad is not necessary for places in the Lhasa area, Shigatse and Tsetang villages, or travel without stopping on the road of friendship.

"Travel Permit ALLIENS is necessary to visit the" unopened areas. Who is issued by the police (Public Security Bureau, "PSB"). In general, you can apply once you arrive in Lhasa. For tourists groups our guide will ask permission TTB passport and submit to the Division of External Relations of travel permit PSB. Usually it takes several hours and the cost is 50 RMB / person. If you are a traveler is required joining local tours in areas' unopen and local agencies to organize the PSB also travel for you. be careful, there is a travel agency can offer a "PSB-single permit" service.

Important: If you want to take a tour of Yunnan Tibet Earth, Sichuan, Qinghai and Xinjiang to Tibet, you got the PSB permit before starting your journey.

4. What are the parts of Tibet are listed as closed areas?

Today, you must apply for a permit to travel if you are planning to visit the following locations: Tsedang: Samye Monastery, Tibetan King tomb monastery Trundruk, YumbulakhangShigatse: Sakya Monastery, Mt. Everest, MonasteryGyangtse Rongbuk Monastery and Pelkor Chode Kubum StupaNgari region: Mount Kailash, Lake Manasarovar, Tsaparang, year, etc. Nyingchi Region: Basum-tso, Pomi, Rawo-tso, etc.Chamdo Region: Chamdo Riwoqe, Tengchen, etc.

5. Are there other certificates and permits may be required to Tibet?

Except entry permit to Tibet Travel Permit for foreigners, it lawful military of Foreign Affairs of permits and other approvals that may be required when traveling to Tibet.

Sensitive border are as such as Mount Kailash and eastern Tibet also require a military leave and leave foreign affairs. For Tholing and Tsaparang in western Tibet also require a permit from the Department of Antiquities of the local culture. All these will be organized by our travel agency a month before entering Tibet. The permit is issued by the military foreign troops any case the authorization is issued by the Foreign Office in Lhasa. Normally takes 10-15 working days to get them all.

6. How to deal with the visa of Tibet in Nepal? Can I apply for a visa to Nepal to Lhasa? Is it fast? I deny?

Nepal has two embassies in China: one in Beijing and the other in Lhasa. It is easier and more convenient to manage Nepal to Lhasa visa, provided they comply with certain procedures. And there are rarely any refusal. But visa officers do not work in regular time, we recommend to stay several days in Lhasa to apply visa for Nepal and is more assured if you handle visa for the first time after his arrival in Lhasa. The Consulate General of Nepal in Lhasa, near the Norbulingka Park. Normally you can get the visa in the afternoon the next business day if you submit the application and required documents on the morning of the first day. The deadline for filing is 10:00 to 0:00, Monday through Friday. So you need to plan a few days in Lhasa to wait for the visa. Time to get the visa is usually 16 hours, once the visa, you can fly to Kathmandu or statements of Zhangmu border by car or bus.

To apply for a visa to Nepal to Lhasa, prepare the original passport, 2 passport size copies and fill out a form. Your passport must be valid for at least the next six months. There are three types of visas according to the time plan to stay in Neal, 15 days, 30 days and three months. If you stay more than 15 days in Nepal, it is best to get the visa in Lhasa, the border office issued 15 days visa and is relatively expensive to extend the visa in Kathmandu or Gorkaha.

You can also get a visa at the border of Nepal. Not far from the bridge of friendship, you can obtain a visa for your stay 15 days in the office borders 25 USD. It is necessary to prepare a passport photo size, and fill out a form so.

What to bring:

1. What medications to take when traveling to Tibet?

In the first days after arrival in Tibet, you may experience some degree of altitude reaction. Colds, insomnia and digestive problems are common. Take an adequate supply of any prescription medication you use regularly, including medicine for cold, headache, stomach pain, and insect bites, diarrhea and so on, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, antibiotics, pills throat, nasal decongestant and vitamins, etc. The most over-the-counter medications such as aspirin and anti-diarrhea pills are available in Lhasa, but are more difficult to obtain outside urban areas. We recommend taking anti-motion sickness altitude to address the lack of oxygen. Diamox pills are believed to be able to effectively prevent the disease in height. Please consult your doctor before you travel to Tibet.

2. What are the foods to be taken when traveling to Tibet? You can take a little chocolate, beef jerky, hot pickled mustard tuber, cookies and other foods and snacks that you like. You better eat foods rich in calories. You can also take a chewing gum with you, which can help relieve the symptoms of syrigmus and headaches. When traveling in remote areas of Tibet is a good idea to bring food, snacks and drinking water. It is not always easy to find food or drinking water in these areas. Water purification equipment such as hand pump filter is not necessary, as bottled water and water heater shell is available everywhere in Tibet. Water purification tablets may be helpful during the trek. It's a good idea to take a good quality multivitamin to supplement their diet from a supply of vegetables and fruits can not be easily accessible.

3. The raw materials needed to take when traveling to Tibet needs: Card sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, skin cream, lipstick, clothing with long sleeves, sweaters, visa, passport, money, credit, camera, film, batteries, toiletries, cosmetics, knife, clock, day backpack, large travel bags (soft luggage), water bottle, magazine, reading materials books, binoculars, family photos and written sandwiches.

4. What kind of clothes and shoes must be taken when traveling to Tibet?


Temperatures vary greatly in the highlands. In the northern part of Tibet, people wear thick coats all year (including July and August are the hottest months in most parts of China). The highest temperature is 4-5 degrees Celsius in northern Tibet. Snow also in July and August.

The temperature difference in a day is greater. Lhasa, the temperature reached July 30 degrees Celsius during the day, but falls to 10 degrees Celsius at night. Sometimes it snow or sleet in the evening, so you'd better take a little lower garments (those with hats best), wool sweaters, warm gloves, warm shoes and windproof and socks . The use of multiple layers of clothing that can be easily added or removed is the smart choice that temperatures can vary considerably in one day.

Most hotels in Tibet have no central heating. The air conditioning in the individual rooms do not work well in the cold night. In winter, from November to next March, of course, you need to bring down jackets, sweaters, gloves, warm trousers, wool hats. Very cold in the morning and evening. In summer, wearing a shirt in the day, but the jacket is required for the hotel in the morning and evening.

During the high season, April, May, September and October, you need to prepare sweatshirts, coats, jeans, warm sweaters. In addition, frequent rains this season makes waterproof clothing and rain absolute necessities.

Even in summer, a down coat is necessary for those traveling beyond Lhasa and Shigatse in remote areas like Everest Camp. A jacket over a sweater will work fine for walking Lhasa in the summer.

Other essentials to pack include four or five pairs of cotton or wool underwear, four or five pairs of wool socks, cotton long sleeve shirts or wool and light shirts. Women should avoid skirts or dresses.

In addition, each time you visit Tibet, if your plan includes one night for Everest and Lake Namtso, or a hike of several days outdoors in the mountain area of the camp to keep warm is very important. Winter clothes are a must. However, do not worry too much on clothes, you can buy the clothes you have in Lhasa and the clothes are very cheap.


It is very important to have a strong comfortable pair of boots, particularly in the coverage area of your remote control and you have to walk a long distance. For example, if you reach the base of Mount Everest, you need to cover 8 km EBC rongpuk Monastery and back to camp trip. Lightweight shoes are fine, but Tibet can be wet and make extensive walking, so make sure your shoes fit well and are suitable for cold and puddles. You must also have a pair of comfortable and durable sandals.

5. What certificates and documents should I bring with me when I travel in Tibet?

Of course, you must have your passport, visa and China Tibet travel permit with you. Or, you will not be allowed even to get on the train or plane.

In general, there are four required documents for foreign tourists to travel freely in Tibet:

Chinese visa - can be applied to the Chinese Embassy in your country;

Tibet entry permit - is published by the Tibet Tourism Bureau and is a must for foreigners entering Tibet;

Travel Permit: It is necessary when you plan to closed areas in Tibet, and can be obtained on arrival in Tibet

Military leave - you need if you plan to visit some sensitive military areas.

What Is A Home Based Travel Agent?

Many people are unclear about the travel industry. Travel agents are often considered the same as real estate agents. Become a travel agent or more specifically a travel agent based in the home is a choice of exciting career change or withdrawal. Some people do it full time, while many do as a part-time business.

A travel agency to book for customers and is paid by suppliers a commission in reserve. For bookings that suppliers do not pay a fee for a travel agent also can charge the client a service fee for his / her time. An example is if you were to book a hotel for a client, the hotel would then send a check to the agency after the audit client. Most hotels pay 10% of the price of the hotel before taxes and fees. A reservation would mean $ 100 per night $ 10 per night for the travel agent who made the booking. This hotel would cost even if the customer uses a travel agent or book through the hotel directly. In many cases, the travel agent can get a better price. It costs you nothing the customer to use the travel agent unless the travel agent the costs of service.

Can anyone do this? To work with suppliers, you must have an account with the provider. Most require an agency to hold a IATAN, CLIA or ARC number. IATAN stands for International Airlines Travel Agent Network. Means CLIA Cruise Lines International Association. Airline Reporting Corporation ARC means. Each of these memberships requires different things including sales of the money in the bank, experience or training in the industry, and membership fees. Many require errors and omissions insurance of $ 1 million or more.

For the average travel agent, membership is not a possibility with some organizations for the agent to an agency and work will join as an independent agent or foreign agent. There are also advantages of working with an agency because most travel agencies can not do enough in sales with a particular provider for levels higher commissions and bonuses. Work with an agency with many agents can increase the agent's commission percentages obtained because of the combined sales of all agency workers. Support is also a very important aspect of being a successful agent. Agents who do not work with others tend to be more isolated and must learn to do it alone. Since no agent can have the experience of being around the world or stay in each hotel or resort, with others you can get advice from is really helpful.

The future of travel agencies is always questioned. The truth is that the industry has changed in many ways. Some changes were for the better, some for worse. Many airlines have cut commissions to travel agents. However, there are many other suppliers that pay travel agents more than they were ten years ago. Cruises used to be reserved for only the rich and now all cruise book income. Each year, more and more people are going on cruises. Most people say they want to go on a cruise at least once and entering their first come home want to book another.

You can earn commissions on many reservations.

Car rental
Travel packages
some tickets
International airline tickets
Travel Insurance
Ground transportation, including limousines
Attraction Tickets
Train tickets
People all need travel arrangements at some point in time. Those who take road trips need hotel reservations. Those who need to travel for business need airline tickets, rental car and hotel reservations. The families want to live the holidays with their families. People visit family and friends. Most people who make money say they will continue to have a good holiday. A newlywed couple go on honeymoon. You're not selling something that is hard to sell. People contact you for help, you call them to approach or try to sell something you do not want.

Educating the public is paramount for any travel agent should do. Most people put travel agents in the same category as real estate agents. They believe that the additional costs of using a travel agent. This is not true. In many cases, a travel agent can get a better price to the public by suppliers who work only with travel agencies. Many people do not know all the options for booking a vacation. A good travel agent does. Once people are educated on how you are paid a travel agent, they are more willing to work with travel agencies. If a person knows that if he ceases to book hotels, and will cost the same regardless, he or she will work with you. It is important that people know how you can help save time and money on their travel plans.

So how do you get into the industry? Many people think they have to go to school or certification. This is not true. You can enter the industry and start training. I do not recommend anyone spend thousands on a travel school until he or she knows it's a race he or she really wants to accomplish. The truth is that you do not have to spend thousands to form. There are many free courses for travel agents from suppliers. There are also organizations such as ICTA (Institute of Certified Travel Agents) offering courses several years of experience in the industry. CLIA also offers courses. There are some organizations that offer training. Even if you decide that this is a career that would continue, you do not need to spend thousands to become an educated and competent travel agent. There are many courses that you can take with suppliers and organizations to get a better education in travel. Honestly, I create a hand "to the approach is the best way to become a better travel agent. Learning to work with suppliers and how to find your customers' information needs is an important part of being a good travel agent.

How can you find an agency to work? There are some organizations dedicated to independent travel agencies. NACTA and OSSN are the best organizations. NACTA means Commissioners National Association of Travel Agents. OSSN stands outside sales support network. You can also search online for programs travel agents at home. I would recommend anyone to spend a lot of money to start this business. It is essential to try first and see if it's something you really want to make and receive training before investing too much money in it. Get involved in the industry first and see if it really is a career that is best for you.

Travelers or travelers today

Travelers or travelers today, whether known or unknown, have an unlimited choice, so why use a travel agent?

Savvy travelers or travelers, if required information on destinations and activities, the search for travel agents with knowledge, experience and knowledge of destinations and activities.

It is not always easy to choose a travel agent. Many agents are called specialists, but sometimes the qualification to be a specialist is a simple test by a tourist office or tour operator. Sometimes, these tests do not require the officer to have "been there, done that, got the t-shirt." Some of these tests are too simple and could affect travel industry's reputation if we do control. A "specialist" can mean "I know that the product brochure" or "I have seen a training video" or "I took a particular test by Tourist Office."

If you find a specialist, ask about their experience. Ask them if they or their colleagues have no knowledge, experience and direct expertise you want to go and what you want to do, after all, is your hard earned money.

Experts are there. Find locally or use the internet, and then make reservations with them. You may need to use different experts for different destinations and activities, as you would select another professional accountant, legal, medical, mechanical, except in your life that probably (and hopefully) spend more on travel through the others combined.
The reality: "There was once a major chain of these locations to get two tickets from Canada to Mexico, I was offering two airlines Then use an internet search and came up with five airlines and made my reservation online Maybe the trip ... not earned commission or the center was not able to charge a fee for booking a reservation or would not be "air only" or treat yourself to your favorite products "that limit customer choice?"


If you do not need an expert agent can use the Internet to find all types of travel options around the world and you can book directly online with an agent or tour operator. If you decide to make their own reservations directly with the tour operator should not have to pay the retail price of having a cool integrated pay the sellers of travel products quantity. Retail agencies that have their own tourism products in the home that are sold by other agencies should also be willing to sell at a net price of a direct booking consumers.

Is it fair that the agents and agencies earn commissions and fees for travel suppliers such as hotels, tours, cruises or make their own tourism products to allow third party sales. They have overhead costs that must be covered to give local consumers the convenience of local shopping and it is important to support their local businesses, provided that offer excellent price and service. At the same time, it is right that consumers who make their own reservations directly with tour operators should not have to bear these costs. Fair rates should be available to consumers who want to manage their own direct bookings.

If you are comfortable with the business via the Internet directly with travel suppliers and want to get the prices fair rates, you can query a travel website that was launched in April 2008, members only offers free coupons it saves the commission items or travel expenses of the retail price. The site offers thousands vouchers for travel in over 70 countries ranging from B & B accommodation single adventure tourism complex, all net price commission. This travel website is operated by a travel club online that does not sell travel or reservations and all the money, then, is done directly between members and tour operators.

The Internet has almost everything a traveler or even a traveler could want, while agents and agencies can offer a limited choice of providers and operators travel brochures. There are many travel companies that never see the inside of a travel agency or brochure, but still willing to pay commissions to sales of their products. This online travel club allows travel companies to promote their products and services free of charge, except for the requirement to issue checks representing the fees and expenses in the normal selling price. 100% of these savings are passed on to members who make their own direct bookings. As a member, all vouchers are free, but if you do not want to join is a partner site that sells the same travel vouchers without membership fees.

A tip of the site. When you make your own direct bookings, make sure that the time in the time zone you are calling is appropriate because "it's embarrassing to wake the captain of the Greek sea an hour somewhere in the Greek islands discuss their list. "The Nomad Travel Club at Top.

This site is continually adding new selections of travel and the time you are comfortable and ready to be a DIY or DIY Traveling Travelers on the Internet, you might find some interesting trips and adventures, some of which are not available elsewhere.

Finally, I hope you find small pieces of English language humor humorous attempt and as I think 1L of a traveler, you say 2 L with travelers, but I'm finally happy to have found a center of March band centered save money. Apologies to both Webster and Oxford dictionaries.

Base Tendriling Travel Expenses

As business travel expenses nose, companies are realizing that improving cost management techniques can make a difference

US. Business travel spending has climbed to more than $ 143 billion in 1994, according to the latest survey by American Express in the management of business travel. Private sector employers spend about $ 2.484 per employee in travel and leisure, an increase of 17 percent over the past four years.

Business costs of T & E, now the third largest controllable expense behind sales and data processing costs, are under new control. Companies are realizing that even a savings of 1 or 2 percent can result added to your last dollar million.

Savings of this order are sure to get the attention of management, which is a requirement for this type of project. Participation begins with understanding and evaluation of the components of T & E management to control and monitor more effectively.

Management practice includes assigning responsibility for travel management, the implementation of a system to measure the quality of travel services, spare parts and write and distribute a formal travel policy. Only 64 percent of US companies have travel policies.

Even with the support of senior management, road savings they are only rock in three companies successfully established an internal program that will help reduce travel costs, travel and multiple aspects are so overwhelming, most companies do not know where to start. "The travel industry is based on the information," said Steven R. Schoen, founder and CEO of The Global Group Inc. "Until a passenger actually sets foot on the plan, which [only] buys information. "

If this is the case, the information technology seems a viable place to negotiate the elusive but coveted savings. "Technological innovations in the business travel industry enable companies to realize the full potential of automation to control and reduce [Travel] indirect costs," said Roger H. Ballou, president of the Group of States Travel Services UNite American Express. "In addition, many companies are embarking on quality programs that include improvement efforts and sophisticated reengineering designed to dramatically improve T & E management processes and reduce overhead."

While companies are turning to technology to make potential savings a reality can be very creative about the methods they employ.

The great leveler

GDS has long been the exclusive domain of travel agents and other industry professionals. But that all changed in November 1992 when a Department of Transportation ruling allowed the general public access to systems such as Apollo and SABRE. Management software TripPower trip and TravelNet immediately emerged, offering a glimpse of the companies where their dollars are spent T & E.

The software tracks spending trends by interacting with the company's database and access to centralized reservation systems that provide immediate booking information for airlines, hotels and car rental agencies. These programs also allow users to generate computerized travel reports on cost savings with details on where discounts were obtained, hotel and car use and travel patterns between cities. Actual data gives added leverage companies to negotiate discounts with travel suppliers.

"When you have information, you must return to a box each time you decide to change agencies," says Maria Savovie Stephens, travel manager for giant Chiron Corp. Biotechnology

Sybase Inc., a client / server leading provider of software with annual T & E budget of more than $ 15 million, according to. "Software gives us unprecedented visibility into how employees spend their travel money and better leverage to negotiate with travel service providers," said Robert Lerner, credit manager and travel services business for Sybase Inc. "We better access to data, faster, in a real time environment, which should provide significant savings in T & e. now we have control of our information to travel and not have to rely only agencies and airlines. "

The cost of this privilege depends on the turnover. Time purchase of travel management software can be run from under $ 100 to over $ 125,000. Some software vendors will adapt to small users through the sale of software parts for $ 5 to $ 12 per trip booked, yet substantial savings in standard of $ 50 per transaction industry.

No More entries

Paperless travel is catching on faster than the paperless office never did that service providers and consumers work together to reduce ticket prices for business travelers. Perhaps the most avant-garde developments is Travel "Ticketless" which almost all major airlines are testing.

Meanwhile, suppliers, and travel agencies are experimenting with new technologies to allow travelers to book travel services via the internet, email and ticket kiosks unattended. Best Western, Hyatt Hotels and several other major international market Internet channels. These services reduce the need for paper and provide better service and value devices such as increased efficiency, better tracking expenses and travel trends, and reducing costs.

Dennis Egolf, CFO of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Louisville, Ky., Has realized that the decentralized location of the medical center, a quarter mile from the hospital, the effectiveness is difficult, he realized. "We lost production time and things have been lost," he said. "Every note must be made for approval by hand and requires seven different copies of each order of the books." As a result, Egolf tried an off-the-shelf software to reduce the role of the federal government.

The software allows the hospital to manage travel online, monitoring daily allowances and costing to generate cash advance forms and authorizing reimbursement vouchers. The software also allows the hospital to keep a running count of their travel expenses and remaining travel budget.

"Today, for all practical purposes, the system is paperless," said Egolf. The software has helped the hospital reduce document processing time by 93 percent. "The initial goal oriented management without the employee's travel paper," he said. "We have achieved this goal, thanks in part to the efforts of staff and partly because of the accuracy of the software."

With an investment of only $ 6000, the hospital saved $ 70 each employee trip and saved almost half of its $ 200,000 T & E budget through the paper reduction program.

over there

The consolidation of business travel arrangements for a smaller number of agencies has been a rising trend since 1982. Nearly three out of four companies now make travel plans for their business through an agency compared to 51 percent in 1988. the two main benefits of consolidation of the agency are facilitating accounting and budget T & E, as well as leverage in negotiating discounts on future trips.

A major technological breakthrough that allows the consolidation of this trend to flourish is the introduction of satellite ticket printers (PTS). The use of STP allows a travel agency to consolidate all operations of a home office, and still send all necessary inputs in several places at once through various news agencies. As the term suggests, the machine prints airline tickets on site immediately, eliminating shipping costs.

For London Fog, STP is a blessing. Budget Annual T & E London fog over 15 million are divided equally between its two locations in Eldersburg, Md., And the city of New York. Each location buys the same number of entries, so that equal access to the ticket in your organization is a must. With PBS in two places, the company services both offices with an agency in Baltimore. Each office has access to immediate air and manages to save by not having to pay for mail and express courier fees that can range up to $ 15 for each of the more than 500 entries each annual purchases.

Quote from T & E Annual Conde Nast Publications' of more than $ 20 million is divided between its locations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Detroit. Since 1994, travel arrangements were handled by an advanced travel management centralized agency in the city of New York, by installing an STP in each of these five areas. In addition to increasing the efficiency due to consolidation, Conde Nast now has the ability to change travel plans at any time and have new tickets in hand instantly.

The real benefit is that the machines are owned and managed by the travel agency., So there is no cost to the company. Because of the great expense involved, however, remain the only option for STP major ticket buyers. "STP is a viable option in this process to any place you buy more than $ 500,000 per year in the air," says Shoen.

As averages of airline tickets 43 percent of T & E expenses of any company, the savings that can be achieved through the various uses of technology have become dramatic. For example, the ability of companies to collect and analyze their own travel trends led to the creation of the net rate of negotiating a purchase price between a company and an airline to purchase tickets at no extra charge commissions, overrides, transaction costs, transaction costs and other agency cuts.

Although most US carriers publicly proclaim that they negotiate corporate discounts below market rates published, American Express survey on business travel management found that 38 percent of US companies had access to, or had already implemented reduction negotiated airfares. Availability and mechanics of these agreements vary widely by society.

What is the price?

Fred Swaffer, transport manager for Hewlett-Packard and a strong supporter of the net price system, launched the concept of fixing the fee-based with travel management companies contracted with HP prices. He says that HP, which spends more than $ 528 million annually in T & E plans to have all the net rate as a function of air travel pricing. "Currently, we have several net in stages according to the rates," he said. "These rates are negotiated with the airlines at the company, then reach each of our seven geographic regions."

Frank Kent, Western regional manager for United Airlines, agrees: .. "United Airlines is participating in a reduction in the volume of business, such as buying tickets in bulk, but prices net I have not seen a single net rate agreement that makes sense to us we are not opposed to it, but just do not understand right now. "

Kent points out, "Airlines should approach companies with long-term strategic relationship and not just discounts. We would like to see us with the company rather than just participate. "

As business travel expenses nose up, companies are realizing that improving cost management techniques can make a difference.

US. Business travel spending has climbed to more than $ 143 billion in 1994, according to the latest survey by American Express in the management of business travel. Private sector employers spend about $ 2.484 per employee in travel and leisure, an increase of 17 percent over the past four years.

Business costs of T & E, now the third largest controllable expense behind sales and data processing costs, are under new control. Companies are realizing that even a savings of 1 or 2 percent can result added to your last dollar million.

Savings of this order are sure to get the attention of management, which is a requirement for this type of project. Participation begins with understanding and evaluation of the components of T & E management to control and monitor more effectively.

Management practice includes assigning responsibility for travel management, the implementation of a system to measure the quality of travel services, spare parts and write and distribute a formal travel policy. Only 64 percent of US companies have travel policies.

Even with the support of senior management, road savings they are only rock in three companies successfully established an internal program that will help reduce travel costs, travel and multiple aspects are so overwhelming, most companies do not know where to start. "The travel industry is based on the information," said Steven R. Schoen, founder and CEO of The Global Group Inc. "Until a passenger actually sets foot on the plan, which [only] buys information. "

If this is the case, the information technology seems a viable place to negotiate the elusive but coveted savings. "Technological innovations in the business travel industry enable companies to realize the full potential of automation to control and reduce [Travel] indirect costs," said Roger H. Ballou, president of the Group of States Travel Services UNite American Express. "In addition, many companies are embarking on quality programs that include improvement efforts and sophisticated reengineering designed to dramatically improve T & E management processes and reduce overhead."

While companies are turning to technology to make potential savings a reality can be very creative about the methods they employ.

The great leveler

GDS has long been the exclusive domain of travel agents and other industry professionals. But that all changed in November 1992 when a Department of Transportation ruling allowed the general public access to systems such as Apollo and SABRE. Management software TripPower trip and TravelNet immediately emerged, offering a glimpse of the companies where their dollars are spent T & E.

The software tracks spending trends by interacting with the company's database and access to centralized reservation systems that provide immediate booking information for airlines, hotels and car rental agencies. These programs also allow users to generate computerized travel reports on cost savings with details on where discounts were obtained, hotel and car use and travel patterns between cities. Actual data gives added leverage companies to negotiate discounts with travel suppliers.

"When you have information, you must return to a box each time you decide to change agencies," says Maria Savovie Stephens, travel manager for giant Chiron Corp. Biotechnology

Sybase Inc., a client / server leading provider of software with annual T & E budget of more than $ 15 million, according to. "Software gives us unprecedented visibility into how employees spend their travel money and better leverage to negotiate with travel service providers," said Robert Lerner, credit manager and travel services business for Sybase Inc. "We better access to data, faster, in a real time environment, which should provide significant savings in T & e. now we have control of our information to travel and not have to rely only agencies and airlines. "

The cost of this privilege depends on the turnover. Time purchase of travel management software can be run from under $ 100 to over $ 125,000. Some software vendors will adapt to small users through the sale of software parts for $ 5 to $ 12 per trip booked, yet substantial savings in standard of $ 50 per transaction industry.

No More entries

Paperless travel is catching on faster than the paperless office never did that service providers and consumers work together to reduce ticket prices for business travelers. Perhaps the most avant-garde developments is Travel "Ticketless" which almost all major airlines are testing.

Meanwhile, suppliers, and travel agencies are experimenting with new technologies to allow travelers to book travel services via the internet, email and ticket kiosks unattended. Best Western, Hyatt Hotels and several other major international market Internet channels. These services reduce the need for paper and provide better service and value devices such as increased efficiency, better tracking expenses and travel trends, and reducing costs.

Dennis Egolf, CFO of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Louisville, Ky., Has realized that the decentralized location of the medical center, a quarter mile from the hospital, the effectiveness is difficult, he realized. "We lost production time and things have been lost," he said. "Every note must be made for approval by hand and requires seven different copies of each order of the books." As a result, Egolf tried an off-the-shelf software to reduce the role of the federal government.

The software allows the hospital to manage travel online, monitoring daily allowances and costing to generate cash advance forms and authorizing reimbursement vouchers. The software also allows the hospital to keep a running count of their travel expenses and remaining travel budget.

"Today, for all practical purposes, the system is paperless," said Egolf. The software has helped the hospital reduce document processing time by 93 percent. "The initial goal oriented management without the employee's travel paper," he said. "We have achieved this goal, thanks in part to the efforts of staff and partly because of the accuracy of the software."

With an investment of only $ 6000, the hospital saved $ 70 each employee trip and saved almost half of its $ 200,000 T & E budget through the paper reduction program.

over there

The consolidation of business travel arrangements for a smaller number of agencies has been a rising trend since 1982. Nearly three out of four companies now make travel plans for their business through an agency compared to 51 percent in 1988. the two main benefits of consolidation of the agency are facilitating accounting and budget T & E, as well as leverage in negotiating discounts on future trips.

A major technological breakthrough that allows the consolidation of this trend to flourish is the introduction of satellite ticket printers (PTS). The use of STP allows a travel agency to consolidate all operations of a home office, and still send all necessary inputs in several places at once through various news agencies. As the term suggests, the machine prints airline tickets on site immediately, eliminating shipping costs.

For London Fog, STP is a blessing. Budget Annual T & E London fog over 15 million are divided equally between its two locations in Eldersburg, Md., And the city of New York. Each location buys the same number of entries, so that equal access to the ticket in your organization is a must. With PBS in two places, the company services both offices with an agency in Baltimore. Each office has access to immediate air and manages to save by not having to pay for mail and express courier fees that can range up to $ 15 for each of the more than 500 entries each annual purchases.

Quote from T & E Annual Conde Nast Publications' of more than $ 20 million is divided between its locations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Detroit. Since 1994, travel arrangements were handled by an advanced travel management centralized agency in the city of New York, by installing an STP in each of these five areas. In addition to increasing the efficiency due to consolidation, Conde Nast now has the ability to change travel plans at any time and have new tickets in hand instantly.

The real benefit is that the machines are owned and managed by the travel agency., So there is no cost to the company. Because of the great expense involved, however, remain the only option for STP major ticket buyers. "STP is a viable option in this process to any place you buy more than $ 500,000 per year in the air," says Shoen.

As averages of airline tickets 43 percent of T & E expenses of any company, the savings that can be achieved through the various uses of technology have become dramatic. For example, the ability of companies to collect and analyze their own travel trends led to the creation of the net rate of negotiating a purchase price between a company and an airline to purchase tickets at no extra charge commissions, overrides, transaction costs, transaction costs and other agency cuts.

Although most US carriers publicly proclaim that they negotiate corporate discounts below market rates published, American Express survey on business travel management found that 38 percent of US companies had access to, or had already implemented reduction negotiated airfares. Availability and mechanics of these agreements vary widely by society.

What is the price?

Fred Swaffer, transport manager for Hewlett-Packard and a strong supporter of the net price system, launched the concept of fixing the fee-based with travel management companies contracted with HP prices. He says that HP, which spends more than $ 528 million annually in T & E plans to have all the net rate as a function of air travel pricing. "Currently, we have several net in stages according to the rates," he said. "These rates are negotiated with the airlines at the company, then reach each of our seven geographic regions."

Frank Kent, Western regional manager for United Airlines, agrees: .. "United Airlines is participating in a reduction in the volume of business, such as buying tickets in bulk, but prices net I have not seen a single net rate agreement that makes sense to us we are not opposed to it, but just do not understand right now. "

Start a Home Travel Business and Profit From the Multi-Billion Dollar Online Travel Industry

Yes, it's true. You can make money online working from home and can actually make a lot of money if you work hard, stay focused and execute. You can build a travel business from home and live the life you've always wanted to run an Internet business travel online at home. This article will be set aside doubts you may have about how to start a travel business online. I will not sugar. In fact much of what I have to say that probably cause a roar in parts of the travel industry online. I aim to tell it like it is.

The truth!
Who really make money online travel. The truth is that you can not really make a lot of money reselling other business travel products. This statement is directed to the travel agency market at home. Yes, it is easy to start as a travel agent at home and online travel agencies can provide you with your own white label site custom label, including support for quality customer service, but in the end you do not build a business are you not pay a salary.

Do not be fooled.

I am amazed at the amount of waste that is online there who respond to online brand money from the home crowd, the promotion of the sale of the travel path of freedom and wealth. This really is probably the most important that anyone ever tell you if you are planning to go online travel business. Let me repeat this for you again.

It is difficult to get rich and build other companies travel products resale business. You can get rich over time by creating a company that sells its own exclusive travel brands. You can get rich and build a business if "the product owner books."

Travel product owner means that contracts directly with travel suppliers under contracts own business, you are not alone sell a product from another travel company Travel, tour operators, travel agencies or travel consolidator. Your company creates the travel product enter into agreements directly with travel suppliers. Their contracts with travel suppliers become their own stocks of companies for unique travel products will sell. The new travel product becomes its own brand. Your online travel business travel product sells directly to consumers online or wholesale also other travel agencies, travel agencies, tour operators and resellers.

The dilemma of the travel agent based in the home.
I know I'm going to open a can of worms here for the disclosure of this information, but it's really true. My intention is not to hit anyone, but to provide an idea of how it actually works the online travel business and for WHO's really making money and show how you can make the real money to be decided from the beginning to really build a business.

Yes, if you want to make 50,000 $ 20,000 working at home, and resale or popular cruise travel products are the best choice for you, but if you want to make money, six or seven figures and want to build a company that has a tangible real value and can sell later, then you need to develop and sell their travel products.

Internet is not originally too close Travel Agencies.
I think the main reason that brick and mortar travel agencies are closing is not because of the Internet, but because all you're really doing resells other products of the business trip. The Internet has contributed to the destruction of the traditional brick and mortar travel agency, but the most important in the menu travel agents and travel agencies in the travel industry factor is due to the fact that are not for sale something unique or different from someone else. This is really a business model established to fail in the long term.

How do you own your own travel product? You can own your own travel product in two different ways.

1. Your company acts as a travel provider offers tours, guide, travel and tourism-related activities or the owner of a housing property.
2. Your business partners with two or more travel suppliers to sell its products under individual travel package you have.

What kind of online business travel must begin where I can have my own travel product, selling packages and build a real business?

-Online Travel Agency
-Online Tour Operator
-Online Tourism Guide
Travel Broker -Online
-Receptive Tour Operator
-the hybrid

Let's talk about each type. There are many directions you can go.

OTA or online travel agencies traditionally sell everything under the sun; including hotels, air, cars, vacation packages and more. In a hierarchical level of all online travel companies, it would be more expensive and more difficult to start type of online business. It is possible, do not get me wrong, it would only take a lot longer and be more expensive to boot.

If the second level of niche and focus on recruiting their own accommodation deals and contracts with business providers could easily build a small OTA more focused. Another option is that you can use the global distribution system (GDS) for air, car and accommodation could not be hiring you. I do not recommend the latter option, because you're just resell the product does not have, but as long as you can combine the GDS product property not their own contracted travel products could create a win-win situation agreeable to the baseline.

Sell Online Tour Operator Tours dynamically packaged and pre-packaged travel vacationers. I think that building a business online tour operator is your best choice in building a business trip successful online.

Now let me first say that the name is a bit to be designed with the word "Tour". There is a big difference between a trip and a trip. During a visit there is usually a tourist guide or the person who leads the tour with participants traveling. During a trip to one trip traveler or with others, but there is no indication in question. Business Travel In this call, a travel FIT drive or fly-drive holiday package.

I am in favor of the sale of travel, the traveler buys a tourism product or a business trip, and then assists the trip by themselves in their own time. The reason is that both parties.

1. You do not have to be the guide and you do not have to hire one or.
2. You have 100% more freedom to not really participate in the visit itself. Just think of the time it takes to actually go on a trip with a group or individuals.

We operate tours when my wife and I own fishing Lodge and B & B House Fly Yellow Breeches. We ran fly fishing trips with accommodation and guide. Guess who was one of the guides? Yes, you have. Yours Truly. I would not change the past at all. I have learned to be a fly fishing guide and owning a hosting property. I do not want to run this kind of new business. There are much better travel business models there. It's part of the beauty of this report is that I am able to share real life, the reality for you.

Sell to travel Tours. This is the most important thing I can tell you about wanting to live life online and work at home enjoying the freedom that comes from owning your own online travel company. You will not live their lives to the Internet if every week is to give tours.

Online travel guide offering tours for individuals or groups. If I have not scared you from above is great, the guide business is a big deal and it's easy to start with a limited investment. This is a great business to get into the travel business and start learning how to build a business.

If you like dealing with people and spend much of their time outdoors, it's probably the best business travel for you. This is a serious job, day-in-and-day-out, as always, you are out of the elements. This business travel could be a springboard for you to then go ahead and build a business online travel company. I have a good friend who owns a kayak guide service. Spread eco-adventures that include the island in hopes of three to five nights. He just likes.

Let me share with you a little strategy that will totally change the way you build or expand your existing business guide. Hopefully now you see and be ahead of me, but if not here.

Create packages for your guide company that includes accommodation, meals and guide or service. Probably sell travel guide and excursions or as a product per hour or per day. Take the next step and hosting package and meals and perhaps a third activity. Sell packages to your customers and you super-charge your in a very big way income.

Take a kayak guide existing sales trips a day to $ 250 for 2 people. Now create night packages. Create a new product line for your business.

1. contract with a hosting provider to buy hosting packages for your kayak.
2. Agreement with two local restaurants for dinner buy your kayak packages.
3. Sale of a kayak tour 2 nights, 1-day, 2-dinner. Earn money with accommodation, dinner and a third operation and can seriously start adding more benefits for your business.

Online Travel Broker - it is a new category of companies that I have met. I think this is a type of business you could start with literally no money. It's just a matter of understanding the travel business. Here is how a travel agent online work.

Each travel provider Need sales representatives. Your travel agent trade agreements with travel suppliers to represent their business and help them sell more of their travel products. Many smaller travel companies do not have sales representatives. This can be your entry in the online trading industry.

Let's say you live in an area of the city or station there are 4 golf courses nearby or three stations. Represent travel supplier products, looking for partners or distributors to resell or distribute products of its most important customers. This company is just a matter of finding other travel suppliers that need sales representatives and research for large companies seeking new travel products to sell and distribute. You make money by getting a percentage of all future sales or reserved earn a fixed rate contract you sign. It would be a good way to go in business travel as a part-time business. You could start with not much investment and build slowly.

Incoming tourism operators receiving inbound travelers from foreign countries. This is a B2B (business to business) business. You are building a travel business online, but you do not sell your travel products directly to consumers online or leisure, you sell your travel products belonging to wholesalers or other foreign tour operators who sell then directly to agents and consumers travel in their country. If you live in a world known destination area or region where foreigners come visit you can build a receptive tour operator business success. Receptive tour operator business takes more time to develop as the buyers of your products will be other travel agencies, tour operators and travel business experience, not necessarily want to do business with a company which is new profile or beginner. Adversity can be overcome, however, by the concentration, determination and have a travel product belonging to a merchant or a foreign tour operator believes it can sell and make money.

The hybrid - build a business online tour operator that caters to travelers individual holidays. After the company began selling travel and tour, start building a business component receptive Tour Operator.

I hope you enjoyed a little insight into the world and travel business opportunities online and what it takes to start a travel business at home.